
作者:宝钛集团信息中心    时间:2009-03-03    点击量:1942    
state nuclear baoti zirconium industry co., ltd (snz) and westinghouse electric company llc (westinghouse) will set up a nuclear grade zirconium sponge joint venture (jvc) in nantong economic development zone. state nuclear power technology corporation has majority shareholding in snz. ?westinghouse will transfer the nuclear grade zirconium sponge manufacturing technology to the jvc. the jvc registered capital is rmb 210 million yuan and the phase i investment is expected to be rmb 500 million yuan. ?attached please find the descriptions of jobs we urgently need.? the jvc will pay competitive salary and benefits. we expect to arrange intensive interviews from march 9 to march 13 in beijing. for additional information, please call mr. gao at cell phone 15027603833. please send your resume to email: 国核宝钛锆业股份公司(和西屋电气公司(将在江苏南通开展核级海绵锆合资项目。国核锆业是国家核电技术公司(的控股子公司。海绵锆合资项目将受让西屋电气的核级海绵锆生产技术,填补国内空白。 合资公司注册资金2.1亿元,一期工程拟投资5亿元,现急招以下人员(岗位需求表),待遇从优,欢迎有志有才之士加盟。我们计划于3月9日至13日在北京集中面试。 联系人:高先生,电话:15027603833 简历请邮件发送并注明应聘岗位 附件:
